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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

Ministers are cautious around new tax powers and this, alongside political dynamics and long-term demographic,reform; and budgets have not been adjusted to reflect a supposed desire to move to prevention.,to see 1% of local government spend undertaken through participatory approaches, which they are supporting,previously – see, for example,,And how (grant, loan, commissioned etc.)?

Consultation response to Scottish Parliament inquiry on a Scottish approach to taxation

SCVO gave evidence to the Commission on Local Tax Reform in 2015 (,/commission-on-local-government-tax-reform/), and to the Finance Committee’s own inquiry into SRIT in,the same year (,Linked to this, and given the current discussions the parliament is having around local tax, it is worth,for funding local government – this implies a shift in how central and local governments negotiate their

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

The annual Budget Bill will set out the Scottish Government’s spending plans and set income tax rates,The Scottish Government will work with the Equality and Human Rights Commission to tackle maternity and,The Scottish Government intends to work closely with Local Authorities to ensure that all nurseries in,to Council Tax.,This will see the government work with local government and communities on delivery of the target of

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

Elaine Downie, Poverty Truth Commission Poverty and inequality are not inevitable.,Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform: Promote a positive approach to social security.,around tax.,On their own, national and local governments cannot solve these problems or create a fairer and more,By adopting long-term strategies government, business and wider civil society can re-think how people

Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry: Work of the Scottish Affairs Committee

We would also encourage the Committee to reflect upon the recommendations of the Speaker's Commission,Whilst largely negative, there are a few examples of some positive working between charities and the DWP locally,Asylum This was an issue identified for further consideration by the Smith Commission and we consider,Tax SCVO calls for: a progressive tax system across all taxes; a change in the conversation around tax,to ensure that the benefits of tax are understood and that conversations around tax are positive and

Finance Committee Inquiry into Scottish Rate of Income Tax

information about our proposal to shift thinking to valuing people’s contribution to society in all its forms,under the current powers, looking at local taxes as well as the new SRIT, in order to ensure that people,the poorest in our society, the further challenges that will be faced with increase UK-wide welfare reforms,[ii] Tax for our times, Daisy Srblin, 2015 [iii] See SCVO’s submission to Commission on Local Tax Reform,[vi] See SCVO’s submission to the Smith Commission, 2014.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee enquiry – Land Reform Bill

Introduction SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to land reform and increased community,inequality, it is important that the Scottish Government clearly articulates how land reform will help,of a Land Rights and Responsibilities statement and the creation of a Land Reform Commission.,Conclusion SCVO is generally supportive of the approach taken by the Scottish Government to land reform,2015/05/cls15-speeches/ [iii] [iv]

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

Indeed, as highlighted by Inclusion Scotland during evidence given to the Welfare Reform Committee, isolation,The key here is to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to each citizen,Help people to stay employed Intentionally or not, national and local government policy can make it difficult,Changes to tax credits and benefits may act as disincentives, with people leaving the labour market.,Work with civil and political society, local government and others to create a more connected and effective

Commission on Local Government Tax Reform

Introduction Tax reform is a complex issue and not one that we are experts in.,in local politics – along with, we would argue, better participatory forms of engagement, such as mini,local tax.,when considering local tax reform, and which will help lead them to a suitable solution for all of our, [v]

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

Tackling long term challenges The third sector views devolution as an opportunity to consider how we,benefit and tax credit cuts.,As we prepare for further devolution we must take a long, hard look at how we use current powers in relation,There are opportunities to seek the kind of outcomes and approaches envisioned by the Christie Commission,for the new powers to be used in a way which helps people to move out of poverty and which tackles long