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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The benefits of Ubuntu leadership

​Lara Friedman discusses her experience of the Ubuntu leadership mind-set

LGBT History Month: from Russia to Scotland, youth work changes lives

Don't fear imposter syndrome when you're part of an epic team making a difference

Fee Brown on how she finds inspiration everyday working at Penumbra

SCVO response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's National Performance Framework inquiry

The report, ‘Valuing the Third Sector,’ published by the former Equalities and Human Rights Committee,We agree with Evaluation Support Scotland (ESS) that “it would be helpful if all of us involved in public,The former Equalities and Human Rights Committee called on the Scottish Government to outline its “views,How will this bill be used to strengthen the requirements for all public bodies and local authorities,all.

Right Approach Campaign: July - December 2016

Human rights language is often used by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) from a range of political,We used photographs of blog writers in social media posts in order to personalise the content and to,The most widely shared blog described how human rights based approaches are helping people with dementia,on a number of fronts – enabling us to articulate our role in promoting the adoption of human rights,colleagues to get the “Right Message” – Reasonable Rights and Fairer Action for all.

The war on the Commonweal: taking a stand in 2014

they will “pull out”; their fingers on the button of more drone attacks, “refusing to pay the price of belonging,It closes the lid on things we have a right to know.,It connects us rather than divides us - within the common good - we are all equal.,People turn up to a meeting and shout their piece, or answer a survey and then think - right that’s it,Research Unit London School of Economics and Political Science June 2012 [15]